BS EN 581-2:2015 Outdoor furniture-Seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use-Part 2
时间:2020-09-18 访问量:5196
BS EN 581-2:2015 Outdoor furniture-Seating and tables for camping , domestic and contract use-Part 2: Mechanical safety requirements and test methods for seatingEdition: 20200626 更新 |
Section | Section Description | Summary of important content | 重要内容摘要 |
1 | Scope | The test requirements contained within this standard are based on use by persons weighing up to 110 kg. | 本标准中包含的测试要求是根据体重在110公斤以下的人的使用而定的。 |
2 | Forward stability,Sideways stability | The test requirements contained within this standard are based on use by persons weighing up to 110 kg. | 此测试不适用于座面高度小于200mm并且重量小于5kg的椅子。座面高度应在补负重的状态下,测量地面到座面几何中心的距离。 |
Section | Section Desc | 章节内容 | KW Model | KW Model Desc | 产品名称 | 图片 | 资料下载 | 备注 |
1 | Scope | 范围 | / | / | / | | | |
2 | Normative references | 引用标准 | / | / | / | | | |
3 | Terms and definitions | 术语和定义 | / | / | / | | | |
4 | Testing | 测试要求 | / | / | / | | | |
5 | Test equipment | 测试设备 | KW-BSE-09-02 | Cylinder for one piece of mash chair | 整体网椅圆柱加载垫模块 | | | |
6 | Safety, strength and durability requirements for loungers | 躺椅的安全、强度和耐久性要求 | / | / | / | | | |
6.1 | General | 概述 | / | / | / | | | |
6.2 | Stability, strength and durability | 稳定性、强度和耐用性 | / | / | / | | | |
6.2.1 | Test sequence and parameters | 测试顺序及参数 | 见表1 References(参考)列给出的相关标准和章节对应的设备 | |
6.2.2 | Requirements | 要求 | / | / | / | | | |
7 | Safety, strength and durability requirements for other seating | 其他坐具有关安全、强度和耐久性测试 | / | / | / | | | |
7.1 | General | 概述 | / | / | / | | | |
7.2 | Stability, strength and durability | 稳定性、强度和耐用性 | / | / | / | | | |
7.2.1 | Test sequence and parameters | 测试顺序及参数 | 见表2 References(参考)列给出的相关标准和章节对应的设备 | |
7.2.2 | Requirements | 要求 | / | / | / | | | |
8 | Information for use | 使用说明 | / | / | / | | | |
8.1 | General | 概述 | / | / | / | | | |
8.2 | Marking for loungers | 躺椅警告标贴 | / | / | / | | | |